September 25, 2024

[ πŸ“Έ Design Inspiration ] Service Design UX of "Bibliothek Rechtswissenschaftliches Institut"

[ πŸ“Έ Design Inspiration ] Service Design UX of "Bibliothek Rechtswissenschaftliches Institut"

Last week i had the opportunity to visit Bibliothek Rechtswissenschaftliches Institut at ZΓΌrich , it was suggested by one of co worker who are residing there. Their bibliotek is located inside of their Faculty of Law , and was made from historical courtyard into a modern, light illed space with six elipitical galleries that appear to float beneath a glass dome when you see a helicopter view of it.


Aesthetic vs Functionality


As a user, i would like to find a sit in this library


GIven my first jobs to be done, i immediately think about the functionality vs beauty - they say good design should have both right ?
I say this beacuse , due to how the building is shaped , the first thing i can do to achieve this goal is to climb on top of the floor with the lift to have holistic view and from there , i can spot any empty chair at any level. Very efficiently helpful, right ?


but ... how functional is it for university students with limited seat ? the design will not be able to cater the users ( or in this case all users ). Infact , it caters to only little numbers of users in comparison of numbers of students.


This notes on the door confirmed my thought - and in this case the beautiful design looks less functional to it's users.



Design Process Speculation


As a designer, i and we im sure find ourselves in this dillema super often. In the case of this UX, it goes beyond the funbtionality and beauty choice -
i think it came down with a question the designer needed to answer :

" Should my design cater to a broad audience with simpler UX, or a smaller audience with a richer UX "


Bibliotek are designed for extended stays, fostering idea generation and productivity for it's users. This means creating a peaceful environment is crucial for achieving user goals. Peaceful environment, not only helps users be more productive but also makes the library a more attractive place to spend time.

This is why i think the designer chose to prioritize a specific user goal: creating a richer UX for a smaller audience. One functional aspect that reflects this decision is the hydraulic pleated curtain in the library, which allows for precise control of natural light. This adjustable feature enhances the reading environment, demonstrating thoughtful design that caters to user needs.


As far as im still contemplating with this design deciion, but the more i ponder on it .. th more i can see this .. because this means catering less users one at a time would give them a better UX overall.



Auditory Experience



The beauty of it, when i stand in the ground floor .. without any visuals of bibliotek , all i can hear from all these floors are the sound flipping pages of the books and computer typing sound. Literally this .

Just auditory experience.






