April 10, 2024

Human Centered Approach from EMRN - Universitat de Barcelona , April 2024

Human Centered Approach from EMRN -  Universitat de Barcelona , April 2024

EMRN ( European Metaverse Research Network ) , attending an academic event focused on research and experiences in XR (Extended Reality) was quite enlightening,this definitely narrowed it down to certain industry immediately in our head from Medical, Manufacturing, Wellness, Social Impact and education.

Many researcher was presenting poster based on their research .. some are still on research ground, some had already started to create some experience through collaboration and partnership, and some couragely presenting their research and early finding to get validation on the industry

As XR Designer, who currently happened to work a lot with experience that are based on research foundation , this event is fascinating for me . To have data that backs up your approach i think will give an impact to your work. For a person with a fascination of data like me , it kind of give a window to see how probably there is a room of immersive analytics experience, for users to step inside the data. This is particularly useful for spatial data, multidimensional data, or temporal data, that can reveal to user a perspective and pattern that are normally  hidden.

OKR to Measure Engagement in Virtual Worlds

I have been thinking about this from UX perspective , but one of the talkk was discussiong about the possible data that could potentially be obtained from virtuak world and that includes heatmap of movement from user, user behaviour data . I think this definitely added my thought about seeing it from UX perspective.

Quadrant Framework of Immersive Experience

The Quadrant Framework speaks to me a lot in approaching the intersection of user intentions and environmental design, guiding us , designer to create experiences that resonate with the desired level of intimacy, reality, and immersion. Whether it's enhancing the sense of presence in a lifelogging app or building complex mirror worlds for digital twin applications, the framework serves as a foundational tool in our design proces

User intentions vs environmental design, guiding us in crafting experiences that resonate with the desired level of intimacy, reality, and immersion

Shared Experience in Education and Productivity

The emphasis on shared experiences, especially in education and productivity. Designing for shared experiences means considering the collaborative dynamics and how virtual spaces can give meaningful interactions.

InWorld experiences that require interventions or conversations about raising awareness present unique design challenges and opportunities. The integration of AI into these experiences, when done thoughtfully, can lead to natural, meaningful interactions.

Adoption Plan of Virtual Worlds

A talk from one of scientic officer from European Commision , stated something that i think is profound when we think about adoption , is how we see this starting to integrate in our everyday life and if if people are trady to take virtual world in their everyday life. That's how adoption will happen. Some days ago i had given a talk in XREXPO, Stuttgart about designing using Gartner's intellgience in our everyday life for adoption , and i feel so validated with this concept that were mentioned. It is a good perspective.

Overall the event was a very Human Centered Approach and insightful in meeting different people who are doing meaningful research in it's field.