February 7, 2024

Takeaway of ISE 2024, Barcelona : "Hologram" a treat or complementary to XR ? 🧬

Takeaway of ISE 2024, Barcelona : "Hologram" a treat or complementary to XR ? 🧬

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2024 in Barcelona is a global expo for AV and systems integration professionals. This event showcases the latest in audiovisual technology, from digital signage to smart building solutions. I went to this event out of curiosity to see if there is anything on XR.

Among the myriad of innovations, one theme stood out distinctly: holograms. Within the halls of Multi technology , i see many companies started to innovate with holograms.

Holograms, with their ability to project three-dimensional images into space without the need for special glasses or headsets, captured my attention. This technology, which was prominently featured across various exhibits, offers a glimpse into a future where digital content can be more naturally integrated into our physical world. For applications ranging from e-commerce and education to entertainment, holograms present an alternative to traditional display methods, enabling multiple viewers to simultaneously experience 3D imagery in space


‍This to be very honest, led me to think a little more on the relationship between holographic technology and VR, AR, and MR β€” a space where I have dedicated much of my professional life today. The intuitive and accessible nature of holograms show an interesting challenge and opportunity for XR designers. While AR, VR, and MR offer immersive and interactive experiences through wearable devices, holograms introduce a way to achieve similar outcomes with fewer barriers to entry.

I was seeing how the comparsion look like for Holograms vs XR :

  • Accessibility: Holographic signage stands out for its ability to engage a wide audience without the need for personal devices or equipment.
  • Engagement: While VR and MR offer deeper immersion, holographic signage captures attention in busy environments, making it more suited for advertising and public displays.
  • Emotional and Psychological Impact: Holographic signage's ability to generate positive emotions and create emotional connections is shared with AR and MR but is more directly applicable to marketing and public engagement without the barrier of personal devices.
  • Application Scope: VR and MR are more suited to detailed training, simulations, and immersive entertainment, whereas holographic signage and AR are more adaptable to marketing, education, and public information dissemination.

This definitely means we face new competition coming. Holograms offer a different approach to creating immersive experiences, one that might be preferred in scenarios where the convenience and communal viewing are prioritized. This challenges us to rethink how we design and what we offer through XR technologies.

To prepare for this , i think we designers ( or at least what i will start doing ) :

  • Explore Holographic Technologies: Gain a little more understanding of how holograms work and what they can offer. Hoping that this knowledge could assist me in identifying opportunities for integration with AR, VR, and MR.
  • Focus on User Experience: I see how the natural and accessible nature of holograms can inform the design of future XR experiences. A more natural design approach would be more and more preferable by users. 
  • Innovate in Content Creation: Experiment with creating content that can be seamlessly experienced across different mediums for future proof content with Unified Design Philosophy. E.g : while VR offers a fully immersive experience, holograms provide a shared experience without the need for headsets. XR Designer must design experiences that can adapt to these different engagement modes while maintaining a coherent narrative or user experience.
  • Collaborate Across Disciplines: This is one thing i'm lacking behind, as designer and creators , i tends to create things myself .. but i think to create future proof content, a multidisplinary could be a way to compliments each other.


Apart from this , I did get to try one experience of VR in Catalonia pavilion , I must give it to the storytelling ; a simple spectacle experience about culture in Catalonia, that moves your heart. When the story is a natural approach, the technology becomes number two.
