AR Postcard Design and Exhibition πŸ•°οΈ

" Abans i Ara" a journey through time aimed to tell a 100-year conceptual story in 80 seconds via a single postcard to showcase a nostalgic feeling of places, people character, activities and stories then and now. πŸš€πŸ•°οΈ

AR Postcard Design and Exhibition πŸ•°οΈ
About the project

On 10th to the 16th of August, I had the chance to exhibit one of my project for Festa Major 2023, an Augmented Reality postcards!
My role here is as conceptor and XR Artist and Creator , The concept of this one - named "Before and Now," is a journey through time. Aimed to tell a 100-year conceptual story in 80 seconds via a single postcard to showcase a nostalgic feeling of places, people character, activities and stories then and now. πŸš€πŸ•°οΈ

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The solution

In this phase of project, there are 3 main pillars of preparation of research :

  • Historical Context: The Festa Major is a local tradition with a rich history dating back to the early 20th century. Research involved collecting old photographs, videos, and anecdotes from the festival 100 years ago.
  • User Behavior: Studied the ergonomics of how people handle postcards and interact with AR experiences. Observed different scenarios, such as holding the postcard, placing it on a table, or viewing it on a larger screen. πŸ”πŸ–ΌοΈ
  • Technology Evaluation: Explored various software and tools for designing the AR experience, 3D components, AI-generated videos like Gen2 , visual effects, and user interface.

User Experience Breakdown
  • Narrative: Crafted an engaging narrative storytelling based on the facts and the photograph for the AR experience, combining dynamic scenes for different historical elements with present-day Festa Major imagery.
  • UX Design: Focused on creating a seamless and intuitive AR experience, considering factors like viewing angles, distances, and natural interactions with the postcard for new users and also old user
  • Spatial Experience: Designed AR overlays optimized for different viewing scenarios, ensuring that users could comfortably interact with the experience regardless of how they held the postcard.
  • Accessibility: Designed the experience to be accessible and enjoyable for senior citizens, providing clear instructions and an easy-to-use interface, as they would be people that might remember whats its like decades ago.
  • Community: Encouraged users to share their experience with friends and family as i have prepared 100 postcards to be taken home for free for senior citizen ! πŸ’ŒπŸ  fostering a sense of community and preserving the history of the Festa Major 2023.

Design Tools

I'm using combination of different software for this :

Canva for combining the design

Blender to design the 3D components

Runway to design AI generated videos from old photography

Adobe After Effect to create the visual effect and motion experience

Figma to design the interface of the experience

Onirix to design the AR Experience

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Some of image compilation from virtual experience design

Exibition Preparation

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For this projects, i need to think about 2 side of the coins , what people see within the exibition , frontstore experience and what people see in virtual experience.

For the frontstore experience, as the concept is sewing the experience of " using the newest technology to see the oldest story " , i choose to use a very antique wooden ironing table as a base, covered with the a very antique table cloth, borrowed from a friend grandfather back in the days.

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This was followed by sewing a part of the cloth to create a path that symbolize past to the future.

Feedback : Many people who visited talks about this concept and they came to me especially to ask about this concept, im really happy to make this decision up until this point of the concept.

I had decided to sew part of the postcard into the path, to make sure the example of the postcard to stay within the intended place as well :)


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The Exibition days

As this projects runs for 5 days , limited on certain hours of 2 hours window a day, i personally feel that the project successfully combined history, technology, and user-centered design to create a unique and memorable experience for Festa Major visitors.

Some collage of photos gallery , as i cannot add them all .. i have atleast 150 of them πŸ₯ΊπŸ€“

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Set up of the presentation

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Exibition Opening Day
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Day 2 of the Exibition
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How the experience reach people from different generation

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Day 3 of the exibitions

Link to the experience :

The analytics and the impact of the project are kept privately for partners and collaborators eyes, but let's just say i'm grateful for the result πŸ€“πŸ₯Ί


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