Open Air Museum, AR Portal Installation

Designing AR Experience for educative exhibitions experience with a particular focus on using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) for UX

Open Air Museum, AR Portal Installation
About the project

Open air Museum, is one of the project of PlaygroundXR , that focuses on bringing the door of museum towards the users through the usage of AR technology.

To commemorate 50Y of Cubism movement, they decided to create an experience that brings the educative side of cubism history using augmented reality experience to inspire people about the movements and how it has an effect on our daily life.

In collaboration with Bridge 48 2.0 Festival and Synthetica, the experience will be run in Estrella Damm on 14th October 2023 for the visitors of the event in their section of immersive experience exhibitions

The primary goals of this experience were to :

  • To reach audiences who typically do not visit museums in educative ways
  • To introduce the concept of Open Air Museum with scalable content
  • To open doorway to product, brand and services who are looking to use XR for their event or products.

My role in this project is conceptor and XR designer. We started with design thinking to have a mixed reality experience that would fit perfectly into the room provided by Estrella Damm. This project relly drill me down into understanding spatial measurement with a particular focus on understanding the intricacies of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) techniques across various environments.

SLAM is a technique that allows digital devices to map an environment while simultaneously tracking their own movement within it. This technology was crucial for our project for several reasons:

  1. Spatial Awareness: SLAM enabled us to create an XR experience that was deeply integrated with the physical space. By understanding the layout and dimensions of the room, we could design digital interactions that felt natural and intuitive to users, enhancing their immersion.
  2. Precision and Adaptability: The accuracy of SLAM technology allowed us to precisely match the virtual elements with the physical world. This precision was vital in creating an experience that users could seamlessly interact with, without breaking the illusion of mixed reality.
  3. Testing and Scalability: Utilizing SLAM, I was able to recreate the room's dimensions accurately in a virtual model with a 0.2:0.2 scale. This model served as a testing ground, enabling us to refine the experience remotely before implementing it in the actual space. This not only streamlined the development process but also ensured that adjustments could be made efficiently, saving valuable time and resources.
  4. Environmental Adaptation: One of the most challenging aspects of XR design is ensuring that digital content remains consistent and stable across different environments. SLAM's ability to adapt to various spatial conditions meant that our design could maintain its integrity, regardless of the specific characteristics of the room or changes in the environment. This was a huge challenge because this immediately effect UX.

The SLAM understanding took sometime , i had to visit many different places to have idea, brainstorm and also tested different technique to manipulate the environment into something workable.

Once i managed to figured it, thanks to many hours of testing and help from different people advicing me, I started with building and collecting all the 3D objects that is needed, a

We wanted the design to be accesible for everyone who visited the festival, which is why WebAR is the best option for it , and i decided to use Onirix to build this experience.
The data collection are in collaboration with ArtSpace Tour Barcelona about the movement of Cubism and how we translate the idea into Open Air Museum , bringing different stories , technique, history in timeline and inspiration for people who experience it.

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The solution

The AR experience allow user cross a door towards a hanging painting of cubism history with different story how cubism was born and the kind of movements it has brought to daily life till date. Once the user are done with the experience , they will need to break a virtual collage wall to return to real world for the second experience, Gen AI Mask , which allow user to create their cubism inspired mask.

Once the application is launched, users we put will be presented with 2 experience , AR Portal Experience and Gen AI Mask Experience

Users can select the AR Portal Experience as the first experience, and the application will open.

User will stand in the mark they have seen on the floor and place the surface tracking on the mark they will see on the carpet.

Once the experience load, user will see hear a music and a giant lift that opens slowly to the open air portal experience.

Once the door open, user will see a navigation on the floor that says “ Left Photos and Right videos “

User will start their experience on the left, where the hanging painting dated from people who inspired cubism , each of tha painting is interactable with stories and painting details.

User can roam around through their left and right side, to see the experience and watch some videos as well that was hanging on the frames within the experience, once they are done with this . They will see a giant collage cubism wall with an instruction to tap to get back into the real world for the next experience.

Once user is done with the Portal Experience, they now can start with second experience, Gen AI Mask

User will load the experience from a QR Code , the application will ask for some consent of video and motion from device

Once the application load, user will see an interface of a chatbox ( like Chatgpt ) and a  textureless mask .

User will be prompt to add their own creativity based on the experience in the portal to generate the texture for the mask.

Once they are generating it, they can take a photo with them and share it in the social media.

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